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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Name Sign

Everyone who has a room should take pride in their space. We show what we love and who we are by decorating our rooms to our taste. A great way to set the tone is a custom themed name sign. There are so many great themes you can pick from, why not a ‘bizarre’ one?!

Like my Art Room Sign, I used paper mache letters from Hobby Lobby in the 4” size.

First, I needed a plan. Always start with a plan. I looked up the characters and tried to imagine which would work for the shape of each letter. I looked at key features of the character’s outfit and hair. Like a scarf pattern, belts, then just the general color palette. You’re pretty much ‘dressing’ the letters up as a character.

One I had my plan I sketched out the designs a couple different ways until I found a fit that worked for my specific letters. I used a pencil to sketch the designs onto the letters. One choice you need to make is if you want the design to wrap around the letter to the sides, or just be on the front. Both are great options because you have choices with borders and colors around the edges. For this set I decided to wrap around. I then painted the letters with acrylic paint.

(I think the letters turned out great, only issue is that I maybe could have done a bit better with the butterfly. Live and learn!)

Of course, to hang this sign up the letters need a backing. I found a board that was the right size and already had a hook in the back, but you can add one if it doesn’t. I went with just plain black for the background on this one. It made the character letters pop.

After painting, I glued the letters down. Carefully space them! Once dry, I realized that I didn’t want it to be just black because there was room on the sides. I decided to add some accent symbols that went with the theme.

That’s it!


Feeling inspired? I’d love to see your creations! 

Tag me on Instagram: @calicocreativecrafts 


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