Speak clearly! I found these jars with little spoons and I was brainstorming things to make and I thought Floo powder might be fun. This is powder used in the Wizarding World to travel in the Floo Network.

First, I took too long time to make the label design. I used many open source clipart elements and tried out different fonts. I came up with a round label but the rectangle label is my favorite. (Please feel free to use my label designs!)

I printed the label onto sticker paper, but you could print it on regular paper and glue it to the glass. I attached my rectangle label carefully and then painted it very gently with watered-down acrylic paint. I wanted it to look aged. I then wrapped a thick string around the top, just as a little something extra. I painted that with the same acrylic paint to give it some depth. You can add more embellishments to the string, like beads, but I wanted mine to look fairly simple.

Time to fill up your jar with whatever you want. Great for bath salts or bath related things, tea, spices, sand, glitter, anything you want!