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Art Room Sign

No room is complete without a sign reminding you what that room is for. My art room is a very special place for me and I wanted to put something up on the door that inspired me. Plus, this sign was very fun to make!

I got 4” Paper Mache letters from Hobby Lobby to spell out ‘art room’. There are several ways that I’ve been making these room signs. Previously I have painted each letter but this time I decided to print out artwork to glue onto the top of the letters. I decided that I wanted to have each letter be a different type of art style. So, I searched around for classic artwork that I love.

The pieces of art that I chose are:

A -The Son of Man (Magritte)

R -The Girl with the Pearl Earring (Vermeer)

T -Scream (Munch)

R -The Great Wave (Hokusai)

O-Starry night (Van Gogh)

O -Composition 8 (Kandinsky)

M -The Kiss (Klimt)

I sized out the images to fit each letter and got them printed on a cardstock paper. The way that I cut out each letter is first I made a template of the letter by tracing it onto plain white printer paper. I cut out those templates and placed them on top of the artwork. I then traced the template and cut out the letters from the artwork.

I decided to make the sides black because I think it makes the art really pop. So, I painted the letters before gluing on the artwork.

Super important step is to check the placement of the art on the letter. You will have to trim the artwork down a bit and fiddle with it for a perfect fit! If you glue it without doing this, it’s harder to fix.

Once completely happy I used Modpodge to glue the artwork onto each letter. I got a backboard from hobby lobby and installed hooks in the back for hanging. I painted it black as well. Once the letters were dry and I was completely happy with them I used E6000 glue to attach the letters to the board. (Once this was dry I sprayed the whole thing with an acrylic sealer, this is optional.)

I absolutely love how this turned out and while it took a little time to pick out the right artwork, figure out which letter it worked best with, and all the placement issues, I now get reminded of how amazing art is every time I go into my art room!


Feeling inspired? I’d love to see your creations! 

Tag me on Instagram: @calicocreativecrafts 


Questions about this project? Contact Me!

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